Advanced Traders

Gain Your Edge: Professional Trading Made Accessible

Advanced Dashboard

Our advanced trading dashboard offers professional traders a set of parameter controls allowing you to precisely balance your upside opportunities against risk.

  1. Craft Your Trading Strategy: Create automatic strategies for scanning the markets and triggering trades.
  2. Market Making Tools: Use advanced dashboard to achieve liquidity through Arbitrage, Momentum and Bollinger trading strategies, using XRP, Dollars, Euros and Pounds.
  3. Triangular and Multiple Pair Arbitration: Lock in profitable trades within three or more different sets of currencies or digital assets for best possible returns.

Start Trading in 3 Steps

Create a Free Account

No Monthly Fees!
We charge just 0.25% per transaction.

Connect Your Exchange Accounts

Use API keys to connect to reputable digital asset exchanges.

Set up Your Trading Strategies

Select the blend and volume of currencies you desire your portfolio to uphold, and customize your trading approaches to align with your risk tolerances and aspirations.