all you should Know
Explore answers to frequently asked questions about Idatco, spanning from fundamental usage guidance to advanced feature insights.
General questions
Idatco applies a technology usage fee only at the time of trade setup. The fee is 0.25% of the trade amount and is automatically deducted when the total owed reaches five units of the currency traded (e.g., $5, R5, or 5XRP).
It’s important to note that Idatco’s usage fee is distinct from and additional to any transaction, fund, withdrawal, or sending fees imposed by supported exchanges. Please consult their respective websites for details on their fee structures.
When Idatco reports your trading results, the numbers provided are typically “net-net” amounts—reflecting what you received from a trade after all other fees have been accounted for.
While there is not minimum amount needed to trade on Idatco, you should have a minimum float of at least $200 worth of XRP in your wallets in all the exchanges you have connected.
Less than this could mean that your trading performance is significantly affected by minimum fee deductions assessed by the exchanges.
To reach optimal transactional efficiency a minimum of 3,000XRP, R100,000, $5,000, £4,500 or €5,000 (or the $5,000 equivalent of BTC, ETH, SOL or ADA) should be spread across your wallets and exchanges.
An optimal spread of currencies to start with may be up to 90% in fiat currencies and at least 10% in XRP, most of which should be in your XRP wallet on the Xago exchange.
There is no maximum limit on the amount of funds that a user can trade on Idatco.
Presently, Idatco supports the digital/tethered versions of USD, EURO, GBP, and ZAR, alongside the XRP cryptocurrency from Ripple.
Our platform is continuously expanding its supported currencies, with upcoming plans to include BTC, ETH, SOL, and ADA cryptocurrencies. Stay tuned for further updates on our expanding currency support.
Idatco currently supports the Kraken, VALR, Luno and Xago exchanges. The company plans to add support for additional exchanges.
Registered users will be notified when a new exchange is added to Idatco’s supported list.
The profit potential for Idatco users is subject to market conditions, the strategies selected, the amount and types of funds in trade, and individual execution of trades.
Therefore, the specific profit potential can vary widely among users based on such things as market volatility, strategy effectiveness, and the user’s ability to manage and adjust strategies as needed.
Successful Idatco traders occasionally allow other users to mimic their trading strategies by saving clusters of sometimes hundreds of simultaneous trading strategies in files that can be uploaded and implemented.
It should be noted that users implement their copy trading instructions at their own risk, and careful consideration should be given before editing the strategies in these trading clusters to avoid unintended losses.
Idatco automatically executes your selection of trading strategies using your funds in your wallets on your exchange accounts. The funds Idatco trades are therefore funds that you deposit in your wallets.
You can fund any of your wallets on any of your exchange accounts and instruct Idatco on how you want those funds allocated and distributed across all your wallets.
The funds Idatco trades are funds in your wallets in your exchange accounts.
You can therefore withdraw those funds from any of your wallets on any of your exchange accounts at any time, in accordance with the T&Cs of the exchanges in question.
Idatco scans the exchanges for trading opportunities on a 24/7/365 basis.
The frequency of trades executed by Idatco on your behalf is influenced by the configuration of your trading strategies, particularly the deployment rates you set for your momentum trades (Users can set their deployment rates typically between 1 and 4, which can be adjusted at any time to meet changing market conditions or trading objectives).
Idatco allows users to segment larger orders into smaller sized ones to maintain the integrity of trading strategies and avoid order fragmentation. This approach enables the placement of multiple smaller orders that can fill more rapidly in sequence, taking advantage of favorable market movements, and it also minimizes the size of losses possible from unfavorable trades.
The actual trading frequency, therefore, can vary significantly based on the market conditions, the size of the orders you’re placing, and how you’ve set your deployment rates.
Circular trading in the context of Idatco’s operations refers to a trading mechanism that combines arbitrage and momentum trades in a cyclical process to capitalize on price differences across different markets or exchanges.
Here’s a breakdown of how it works:
- Arbitrage Trades: These trades exploit the price discrepancies of the same asset across different exchanges. For instance, if XRP is priced lower on Exchange A than on Exchange B, an arbitrage trader would buy XRP on Exchange A and sell it on Exchange B, profiting from the price difference.
- Momentum Trades: These trades are based on the assumption that an asset price that is moving in a particular direction will continue to move in that direction for a certain time. Momentum traders aim to buy assets when they are moving up in price and sell when they start to move down.
- Circular Trading Process: Idatco’s platform uses these two trading strategies in a circular or reciprocating manner. The profits from arbitrage trades are used to enter into momentum trades.The returns from momentum trades then replenish the funds for future arbitrage trades, creating a continuous cycle of trading that aims to maximize gains from both types of trading strategies.
The essence of circular trading is to create a perpetual gain engine, where the execution of one type of trade facilitates the other, thus potentially increasing the combined value of a user’s currency holdings continuously over time.
This approach is designed to take advantage of the inherent volatilities and inefficiencies in the digital currency market, providing a systematic method for fund growth.
Company related questions
Idatco is registered in the Republic of Mauritius, however, our operations are conducted online and can be accessed from any jurisdiction worldwide.
It’s important to note that users are responsible for ensuring that digital currency trading is legal in their resident jurisdiction before engaging with our platform.
Idatco was co-founded by a group of fintech entrepreneurs and engineers, including individuals who played pivotal roles in establishing the Xago exchange.
For information regarding the management and board members of Idatco, please send an email to [email protected].
No, Idatco does not directly hold your funds. Instead, the platform operates by connecting to your accounts across multiple digital exchanges through API keys.
Your funds therefore remain within your exchange accounts, and Idatco simply facilitates trades and funds movement between these accounts based on the trading strategies you configure.
This mechanism keep your funds under your control but also underscores the importance of securely managing your API keys and XRP wallet configurations.
No, Idatco is a technological platform that enables its users to set up and execute trades in an automated manner.
The company does not offer investment advice or execute trades other than those specifically requested by the user.