Exciting Opportunities
For Your Clients
IDATCo’s dedicated market-market team works to constantly drive upside and mitigate losses in the background of the Managed Investment Service.
Using this service, certified Financial Service Providers can offer their clients a set of three simple investment mandates to meet their digital asset investing appetite.
Ready to get started?
Easy Does It
A low-risk mandate that exposes your clients to the long-term growth of digital currencies with minimised losses. This mandate aims to beat crypto staking and low-interest savings accounts with minimum three-month investment periods.
Silver Surfer
A medium-risk mandate that exposes your clients to both the long-term growth of digital currencies while also catching solid waves of profit that typically occur weekly. This mandate aims to generate solid returns over monthly investment periods.
A high-risk mandate that lets your clients catch solid waves of profit that typically occur weekly as well as spikes of opportunity that can occur any day of the week. This mandate aims to exploit the dynamism of the global cryptocurrency market with weekly investment periods.
Sit Back and Let
The Bot Do the Work
Once your client has chosen how much capital to place in each or any of the three mandates, you can both sit back while the bot works to meet the investment goals.
However, at any time, you and your client can modify the capital allocations across the mandates or withdraw the balances.
Want to know more?