Meet the Bot

Your Automated Trading Algorithm

Harness the Power of

Thousands of Decisions per Second

Cryptocurrency bots simulate human investment and trading activities. IDATCo’s bot is programmed to make thousands of decisions per second based on dynamic real-time data and historical market patterns. 

By diversifying trading, monitoring 24/7, and back testing, the bot is the best way for anyone to benefit–from advanced traders to first-time crypto investors–to benefit from the crypto trading sphere.

Ready to get started?

Your Ghost in the Machine

Demystify Digital Currency Trading

Before the arrival of bots, crypto trading was confined to a niche of cryptocurrency enthusiasts and experts. Today, bots make crypto trading accessible for anyone from beginners to seasoned investors.

Set Up Automated Trading Strategies and Start Earning

Bots can simplify the process of investing and make smart, data-backed decisions for your investment. All you have to do to start investing is open an account and tell the bot what you want through setting preferred trading parameters. From there, the bot will start trading while you carry on with your life.

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Contact IDATCo Today

Reap the benefits of digital currency trading without the faults of fear and greed. IDATCo’s bot will manage your digital currency investments in one place while you sit back and watch your digital assets grow.

Automate all your trading in the cloud with a bot that trades on the solid foundation of XRP (Ripple’s native digital asset) and includes Euros, Pounds, and Dollars. As a quick and efficient cryptocurrency, XRP is an ideal solution for automated trading.